Recording of the 24th of November webinar, and pdf. presentation below

Dear CCH Friends, dear Humanitarian Community,
We would like to thank you for your attendance to our last Humani-Topic on Thursday 24 November from 6-8pm (CET) with our expert speaker Dr. Gemma Houldey.
During this last session, we discussed the key ideas and recommendations from Dr. Gemma Houldey's new book "The Vulnerable Humanitarian: Ending Burnout Culture in the Aid Sector".
The following points were raised up:
- The negative impact of perfectionism and whiteness in aid practice
- What we hear and what we don't, regarding mental health in the sector
- Assessing your organisational culture and what policies and processes can make a difference
- Cultivating spaces and practices for more compassionate and courageous approaches to mental health
The video of the webinar is now available as well as the presentation shared.
Presentation shared by Gemma Houldey:
Thanks a lot for watching and reading us, and please, do not hesitate to share these information with your coworkers and other humanitarians.