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Video of our webinar I Transgenerational Trauma with Dr. Cordula Reimann & Katharina Bosse - 23/02

Dear CCH Friends, dear Humanitarian Community,

We would like to thank you for your attendance on Tuesday 23 February from 5 to 7pm (CET).

Thanks for your attention and for your active participation.

The video of the webinar is now available as well as the presentation shared by Dr. Cordula Reimann and Katharina Bosse. Only the first hour of the session was recorded as the second half was devoted to interaction between the participants with breaking-groups and stories/experiences shares.

We discussed the following key topics:

- What is transgenerational trauma?

- How can transgenerational trauma be explained?

- Why is it relevant for aid, development and peacebuilding professionals?

- How can I address transgenerational trauma in my private life and professional work?

If you are interested in follow-up exchanges or in follow-up processes such as training or coaching, please do not hesitate to contact our great expert speakers.

A huge THANK YOU to Cordula and Katharina for their time, their expertise and the great work, and thanks a lot for "cocreating" with CoCreate Humanity for the well-being of the humanitarian community.

Please do not hesitate to share these information with your coworkers and other humanitarians.

We still have a lot to do all together. Together, we are stronger 💜.


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